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  • Emma Oliver

Thoughts around "Some Days There's Pie" by Catherine Landis

Updated: Nov 22, 2022

Sometimes a book comes along in your life when you need it to. Some Days There's Pie has traveled across the country with me because the title was often inspiration enough to get out of bed in the morning. When I saw this book at a used bookstore in my hometown, that's what caused me to grab it off the shelf. I find it to be a modern telling of the classic question "is the glass half empty or half full?". Some days, there's pie. Not all days are going to be good ones, but sometimes there's pie. To me, that makes for a pretty good day.

Having personally had a long series of pretty bad days, this story reiterated something my dad said to me a couple times, "bad times give you something to write about". This thought is similarly thought by Rose, one of the main characters. She is an older woman at the end of her life who truly believes everyone has a story to tell. This book is Rose and Ruth's story.

People come and go in our lives, and I believe, if you're lucky, you'll get lots of time with good ones. Rose supplies something in Ruth's life that I hope to have: a friend who unconditionally loves every part of you while simultaneously being the counter to your own self-destructive tendencies. It's a lot to look for in a person, but it's a succinct summation of these women's relationship. I truly valued a story about a meaningful friendship rather than one that focuses on romance. Ruth spends her time with Rose learning to be her own person, and Rose's very full life lends guidance for Ruth.

I don't believe I'll be revisiting this book, but I did find some really valuable quotes from it that I needed to see. I'll end this post with those.

- Emma

"There's got to be a way to tell when hope's not enough anymore, some kind of sign, some kind of moment you know."

"Because I am worth a story. Everybody is. Ask Rose."

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